Legoaizer - Help

The Builder

The Builder is a very useful tool to actually build your mosaic with bricks, Ministeck® parts and Beads. The Builder window is opened in full screen by default. To open this window full screen in a second monitor you first need to minimize the Builder windows (it will unpin itself from the screen), and after dragging this window to the second monitor, make it full screen again.

Picture above: the Builder window.

The Builder uses a tremendous amount of memory. Each layer needs to be fully rendered in the window, and since the application needs to work with uncompressed bitmap data, the amount of data can easily exceed hundreds of MB of RAM. There is a limit of what the application can handle, and for that reason the Builder can only be opened when the combination of number of layers and mosaic size is below a safety threshold (the size is indicated in the status bar, left). In most cases this will be more than enough. This does not depend on the size of your system, but the Windows API for handling bitmaps in memory. The Builder has some useful tools. These are:

Picture above: the Builder in which several layers have been made invisible (unchecked).

The Builder Editor
The Builder has a simple brick editor feature. The editor is shows by pressing the little button 'Edit', bottom-right. The following window will now be shown:

On the left the colour palette is shown in a YUV-colour space. On the right a button is seen, and two areas with information. The top two pictures are the originally clicked (left) and the new selected brick (right). In the example above the green brick was selected by clicking with the mouse on a brick in the builder. The right picture is selected by clicking with the mouse on a colour 'dot' in the YUV diagram.
The top area shows the information of the original brick, the bottom lines show the availability and colour name of the replacement brick.

Left picture: the YUV colour view; right picture: the colour patches. The little arrows toggle between these two views.

For real pictures also real bricks will be shown. For a computer generated bricks a 2x2 brick is shown. This is a general shape, and does not reflect the size of the selected brick! By pressing the 'Apply' button the brick in the builder is now replaced by the new selection. Some characteristics:

Picture above: a green brick is replaced by a pink brick after pressing the 'Apply' button.

Saving the full builder data
When pressing the 'Save layers as PSD' button the full builder data is saved as a Photoshop file (file extension .psd). After successful saving the application shows where the builder file was saved. 

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